Leah Innes
Business & Management
Business and Administration, SCQF Level 6
“I’ve gained invaluable on-the-job experience and it’s helped me boost my confidence in my day to day job”
When Leah left school at 17 she knew that she wanted to take the apprenticeship route. She was successful in applying for a Sales and Marketing apprenticeship with Motive Offshore Group in Boyndie, near Banff.
In her first year Leah completed a digital marketing course and then began the Business and Administration apprenticeship with NESCol. Her role was split between sales and marketing.
She explains, “I like the creativity of marketing and the structure of sales. I was involved in the new website the company was developing so I was able to relate this to one of my apprenticeship units which I found really useful.
“I completed most of my apprenticeship at home during lockdown, it took about thirteen months in all. I’ll be happy to get back into the office – I can’t wait to see people.”
Leah has recently been promoted to Sales Administrator.
Heather Bruce, Sales and Marketing Lead for Motive Offshore Group said, “Throughout lockdown Leah has shown great resilience and determination in overcoming any problems, met regularly with myself her mentor, and every 7 weeks with her Assessor throughout the course and rose to all the challenges, overcoming any fears, to continue with the course – and the positive impact on her career has been significant.
“Leah is now very confident and competent in her role and her self-esteem is higher than ever before. Her self-confidence continues to grow, and she has a tremendous influence on morale and the team dynamics at Motive Offshore Group.”