Angus Noble


Shell Engineering Scheme

“The first year went by fast as the class gelled together quickly and became a community that helped each other out, while having a laugh at the same time.”

After a change of direction at NESCol, Angus thrived on the Shell Engineering Scheme at Fraserburgh Campus.

Angus Noble (20) left Fraserburgh Academy at the end of fifth year and decided to study computing at NESCol in 2021.

He said: “I didn’t mind school, but I found there was too much paperwork. I didn’t like the idea of uni and I knew I wanted to do something with my hands.”

Although Angus finished the course, he knew it wasn’t for him, and that he wanted to do something even more practical.

The Shell Engineering Scheme

Angus found out about the Shell Engineering Scheme at the NESCol Open Day and also through his friends and family. The scheme is a sponsored fast-track programme that teaches future engineering technicians a broad range of skills and knowledge for electrical, mechanical and instrumentation engineering.

The multi-disciplined aspect of the course appealed to Angus, and he joined the 2022 cohort. It was the practical work that stood out for him as a highlight of the two-year-long programme.

He said: “You’d focus one week on light fitting, the next week on wiring and then you’d put your skills to the test on a project. You felt independent, like you had learned something and had this new knowledge to use.”

Support at NESCol

The collaboration and support from his classmates, as well as the College staff, helped Angus progress through the course.

He said: “The first year went by fast as the class gelled together quickly and became a community that helped each other out, while having a laugh at the same time.

“This was incredibly helpful in the second year with exams. The whole class came together to revise and all of us got through it.

“Our academic tutors across the two years were another massive boost to the course as they were all great teachers and characters that pushed us to get to the finish line. If they see you’re struggling mentally, they want to help you sort things out.”

A blend of mechanical and electrical engineering

As part of the Shell Engineering Scheme, students undertake HNCs in both mechanical and electrical engineering in their second year.

At Angus’ graduation on 21 September, he was awarded the HNC Mechanical Engineering Award, which was sponsored by Score Group. He was nominated for his dedication to his course, and overall positive and friendly attitude.

No stranger to success, Angus also started an electrical engineering technician apprenticeship in July!

At the end of the Shell Engineering Scheme, students get the chance to interview for two available apprenticeships, and Angus secured the electrical engineering one. He is now looking forward to growing his skillset in the field.

He said: “I want to get stuck in with my apprenticeship for the next two years and see what opportunities that brings. I’d like to work abroad at some point, and it would be cool to try and work my way up the ladder.

“I would 100% recommend the course, especially if you want to do a trade or even use this as a stepping stone to university.”

Angus’ advice to future students

Angus’ advice to new students on the Shell Engineering Scheme is to make the most of the opportunity.

He said: “Get your head down and definitely ask for help if you need it. Making friends makes the course ten times easier!”