Mental Health Matters at NESCol
May 30, 2019
Mental health is just as important as physical health, and anyone can be affected by poor mental health at any age.
The College is committed to making a positive difference to the lives of all students who experience mental ill health and to build resilience skills and capacity for students to manage their mental wellbeing.
We are committed to tackling mental health stigma and discrimination and we aim to ensure that all students are enabled to achieve their full potential as successful learners, ready to transition to future learning, life and work.
The College has worked in partnership with the Students’ Association and students to create, in line with National Union of Students (NUS) Scotland ‘Think Positive Campaign’, its very own Student Mental Health Agreement. This Agreement acknowledges the role that students, as peers, have in delivering mental health support and in helping to shape and feedback on services.
The Student Mental Health Agreement campaign was launched on 23rd April 2019 with the signing of the document by the Principal and Chief Executive and the Students’ Association President.
The agreement was then presented at the Equality and Diversity Fair on 25th April 2019. The launch was well received by both students and staff with considerable interest and feedback on the work that has gone into creating the Agreement. On the day internal stakeholders and external agencies were on hand to provide students and staff with information, advice and support available in the area.
Going forward the College will continue to promote and raise awareness of mental health and support available by holding further joint events, strengthening external partnerships, identifying relevant staff training and at the same time providing opportunity to give feedback on support and resources available.