Students collaborate with Active Campus to bring frisbee golf to Fraserburgh

February 6, 2025

Engineering and construction students recently completed a project to create frisbee golf goals for use at Fraserburgh Campus.

Active Campus Coordinator, Faye Webster, was looking to introduce more outdoor activities to make use of the extensive green space around the campus. Following discussions with teaching staff, it was proposed that this could be an opportunity for student collaboration.

The NC Mechanical Engineering: Fabrication & Welding Route class were given the challenge to design and produce frisbee golf goals. The students worked on this throughout the first term, completing their project in time to trial an indoor frisbee golf session as part of the Sparkle Winter Festival.

Martin Summers, Welding and Fabrication Lecturer, NESCol, said:

“This was a great project for teamwork. It tied in well with the work the fabrication class was doing, allowing them to put some of their theory into practice, such as working out sizes for rolling the rings and designing the basket so it could be taken apart for easier mobility.

“The students also had to work out a way for the goals to be stable on the grass, as well as indoors.

“This project was something a bit different for the students to work on and they enjoyed it – just as much as they enjoyed playing frisbee golf.”

Construction Crafts students then helped give the goals the finishing touch by painting them in bright colours. As well as improving their visibility, this will help keep the baskets protected from the elements outdoors.

At the end of January, all of the students involved in the project were invited by Faye to join in with an indoor frisbee golf session to see their kit in action. None of the participants had ever played before but they enjoyed the activity and healthy competition.

They commented that the project had been a “team effort” and that “all were involved in different aspects of the work”. They also said that they were “able to use their existing skills but in a different way, not working from a detailed design as they normally would”.

Student throwing a frisbee at the frisbee golf basket

Frisbee golf is a straight-forward and inclusive activity, where players throw a frisbee at a target. With similar rules to golf, the aim is to do this in as few throws as possible.

Faye Webster, Active Campus Coordinator, NESCol, said:

“This collaboration has allowed students to get involved with producing a unique and functional piece of kit which will benefit the College community for years to come.

“Frisbee golf offers students and staff a fun way to engage in physical activity while getting some fresh air. This will be a very welcome new addition to the Active Campus provision of activities, and I look forward to the warmer dryer months where the kit can be used outdoors.”

Active Campus at NESCol

Active Campus Coordinator Faye is here to enhance opportunities for everyone to be active at College. All student activities, including frisbee golf, are promoted on the Active Campus homepage on MyNESCol.

You can also contact your Active Campus Coordinator Faye via email