CodeCraft – a Saturday club for 9-14 year olds
October 14, 2021
Places are currently available on CodeCraft, a Saturday coding club at North East Scotland College’s Aberdeen City Campus for children aged 9 – 14. Participants will have the opportunity to learn some coding in a variety of fun and collaborative ways.
The club will be run in two separate sessions: CodeCraft for 9-11 year olds, and CodeCraft Pro for 12-14yrs.
Cameron Walker, the College’s Head of Sector for Computing and Engineering Technologies, said: “We created this club to inspire young people and encourage them to think about the opportunities available to them in the computing industry in the future. These fun sessions are open to both boys and girls, and it doesn’t matter if they’ve never tried coding or played Minecraft before.
“The introduction of the CodeCraft Pro club will also allow those with more experience, or who have participated in the club before, the chance to expand their skills even further.”
The groups will run simultaneously on a Saturday at NESCol’s Aberdeen City Campus, with morning sessions from 9AM-12PM, and afternoon sessions from 1PM-4PM. They will give members the opportunity to:
- Use both Education and Java editions of Minecraft.
- Learn coding skills using Drag and Drop coding, JavaScript and Python in Minecraft.
- Harness your creativity to create a Minecraft challenge world with mini games.
- Gain valuable social skills, make new friends and work together to make great builds.
- Learn about Minecraft servers that your friends can play on and customise it using plugins to make it a unique experience.
Sessions start on 30 October. Places, which cost just £5 per session, can be booked in 10-week blocks by contacting NESCol’s Central Admin team: centraladmin@nescol.ac.uk.