College update: Extension to remote learning
December 17, 2021
An extension to the period of remote learning over the festive period has been confirmed in response to the evolving Scottish Government guidance on Coronavirus.
In addition to 20 December, 6 January and 7 January the week commencing 10 January will now also be delivered online.
Students timetabled to attend campus should instead work from home on those days and throughout that week (10-14 January).
Guidance will be provided by course leaders via Blackboard. Timetables will not be updated immediately.
There will be a small number of exceptions due to course requirements. These will be communicated directly with students who do need to attend.
Confirmation of the plans for the week commencing 17 January will be shared at the earliest opportunity.
NESCol Principal Neil Cowie said: “The health, safety and wellbeing of all connected with the College remains our priority and we thank students and staff in advance for supporting the steps we are taking.”