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0300 330 5550
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Find all contact details for all North East Scotland College campuses, learning centres and complaints below.
Give us a call:
0300 330 5550
Send us a message:
BSL users can contact us via Contact Scotland BSL, the online British Sign Language interpreting video relay.
Members of the media should contact the Marketing and Communications team with enquiries: marketing@nescol.ac.uk
At North East Scotland College we realise that things don’t always go the way we want them to, and sometimes they can go wrong. However, the College is committed to ensuring that everyone receives the best possible service and we want to respond to any problems quickly so that we can improve our services as soon as possible.
Visit https://www.nescol.ac.uk/about-nescol/corporate-information/quality/ for NESCol’s Complaints Procedure and forms.
Give us a call:
0300 330 5550
Send us a message:
BSL users can contact us via Contact Scotland BSL, the online British Sign Language interpreting video relay.
Members of the media should contact the Marketing and Communications team with enquiries: marketing@nescol.ac.uk
At North East Scotland College we realise that things don’t always go the way we want them to, and sometimes they can go wrong. However, the College is committed to ensuring that everyone receives the best possible service and we want to respond to any problems quickly so that we can improve our services as soon as possible.
Visit https://www.nescol.ac.uk/about-nescol/corporate-information/quality/ for NESCol’s Complaints Procedure and forms.
Give us a call:
0300 330 5550
Send us a message:
BSL users can contact us via Contact Scotland BSL, the online British Sign Language interpreting video relay.
Members of the media should contact the Marketing and Communications team with enquiries: marketing@nescol.ac.uk
Hareness Road
Altens Industrial Estate
Aberdeen AB12 3LE
Aberdeen AB25 1BN
Henderson Road
Fraserburgh AB43 9GA
South Road
Peterhead AB42 2UP