
SQA Units (SCQF Level 6)


1 year


02 Jun 2025


  • Art, Design & Photography


  • Aberdeen City Campus

Why take this course?

This SQA Units course in Creative Textiles and Garment Manufacture is designed to equip school pupils with the knowledge, understanding and skills required for success in current and future employment within the textiles sector, or for progression to further academic study.

Throughout the course you will investigate techniques and experiment with new skills, whilst developing contemporary garment construction skills and creating your own unique pieces.

What you will experience

The course consists of two SQA National Progression Awards, comprising a total of six mandatory units which you must successfully complete in order to gain both awards. These include:

  1. Garment Pattern Cutting: An Introduction
    This unit is designed to provide you with an introduction to garment pattern construction using industrial methods. You will learn how to create a basic block from which manipulation sheets can be created and then you will also create a production pattern for a garment.
  2. Industrial Sewing Skills: An Intro
    You will learn a range of industrial sewing techniques and will use them to produce a simple sewn product.
  3. Develop and Manufacture: Skirts
    You will manipulate a basic skirt block to make relevant style changes, create and cut out a production pattern and then sew a skirt. You will use industrial equipment and methods and will work in accordance with working drawings.
  4. Art & Design: Colour
    A variety of colour media, media handling techniques, colour mixing and colour groupings will be investigated through the production of colour samples for a given brief. Colour and/or colour groupings will then be applied to selected art and/or design work. This will help you to develop your knowledge and understanding of colour theory through applied contexts.
  5. Art & Design: Sketchbook Development
    You will develop personal ideas and concepts through the use of a sketchbook(s). You will investigate and experiment with a variety of materials and media handling techniques.
  6. Art & Design: Creative Textile Development
    You will be able to develop an individual, creative response to the development of textiles.

You will experience a variety of teaching methods and practical activities. The course will be delivered in a textile workshop at the College’s Aberdeen City Campus, and you will have access to all relevant resources including industrial sewing machines.

You will be expected to demonstrate/develop the following essential skills for the workplace:

  • Good time keeping skills;
  • An ability to work independently;
  • Planning and preparation skills;
  • Problem solving skills;
  • An ability to establish and maintain good working relationships with others.

Assessment will take place on an ongoing basis throughout the course, under open-book conditions.