Entry requirements
Previous knowledge or experience would be of benefit but is not essential.
Research shows that stress, along with anxiety and depression, account for 51% of all work-related ill health cases in the UK, so it is essential that people know how to manage stress at work.
No matter the job role, business size or sector, everyone can experience stress, and employers have a legal duty to protect their employees from it.
Our online CPD Stress Management course will provide the key knowledge needed and covers subjects including the causes and impact of stress, symptoms, management techniques, how to provide support and reduce stress and management responsibilities.
Course content:
Section 1: Identifying and managing stress in the workplace – Learn about the causes and impact of stress in organisations, symptoms of stress and stress management techniques.
Section 2: Supporting individuals in the workplace – Cover management responsibilities and actions relating to work-related stress in the team, as well as how and when to provide advice, mentoring or counselling to support individuals in the workplace
Everything you need to know before applying for this course.
Previous knowledge or experience would be of benefit but is not essential.
Students must have access to a computer with a broadband internet connection.
Previous knowledge or experience would be of benefit but is not essential.
Students must have access to a computer with a broadband internet connection.
Previous knowledge or experience would be of benefit but is not essential.
Students must have access to a computer with a broadband internet connection.
North East Scotland College offers hundreds of courses each year, apply for one now.
Please note that this service will only accept credit or debit card payment for the full course fee.
If you are eligible for Remission of Fees then you must complete this booking form and supply the relevant fee waiver documents to one of our Campuses or Centres. Some courses are not eligible for fee waiver applications. For further information please contact our Student Advice Centre.
Completed forms should be signed and returned to us at the following freepost address:
The Student Information & Admissions Manager
North East Scotland College
Aberdeen City Campus