Jenny Ross

Art, Design & Photography

HND Art & Design

“I would certainly recommend NESCol to anyone and everyone. It really is the most amazing experience, and one I wished I had the chance to do so much earlier in my life.”

Adult returner Jenny joined NESCol at a difficult time in her life when she was struggling with depression. With the support from College and a new passion for art and design, she found that it is never too late to follow your dreams.

62-year-old Jenny Ross was born in London and has an interesting work history. After being a machinist for many years, she made the move up north when her parents bought the Fife Arms hotel in Turriff.

As well as working in the family bar and restaurant, Jenny has worked as a cleaner and even a door attendant for a local football club.

Jenny had always helped out with her brother who had Down’s Syndrome and after sadly losing both her parents, she became his full-time carer. Jenny looked after her brother for 15 years, until he passed away in 2015.

Losing her sister the following year and now facing her own health issues and disabilities, Jenny started to struggle with her mental health.

She said: “When my brother died, I was totally lost in life. My children were grown, and my two sons were living abroad.

“I had considered giving life up, but I started going to a mental health group and saw a leaflet for the NESCol Open Day. I have never looked back.”

Jenny joined the SCQF Level 5 Art & Design course at Fraserburgh Campus in 2020.

She said: “I started College during lockdown – it certainly beat sitting at home doing nothing!”

The caring College community

The support from her tutors and classmates was a real highlight of College for Jenny.

She said: “I think what I have enjoyed the most is the fabulous tutors, and how they push you through your course. There were times when I felt like I just could not do it, but my tutors never gave up on me once.

“I have also made some wonderful friends who I am now remarkably close to. We were a very close-knit group and worked so well together. We were all different ages, but we supported each other and looked out for each other.”

Student support

The nurturing College environment and support available to students helped Jenny when her mental health was deteriorating.

She said: “In my first year, the College was my lifeline. I was extremely depressed and did not know how to get help, but the tutors were fantastic. I was given counselling by the College which was something I truly needed and the help I received was outstanding. NESCol went above and beyond for me.

“I was also given help for my disabilities. Fraserburgh Campus is extremely accessible for all, with lifts and ramps to help get about.”

Jenny studied at NESCol for four years, achieving her HND in Art & Design in 2024. Over the summer, she spent two months in Canada visiting her grandchildren and returned in time for her graduation at Fraserburgh Campus on 21 September.

Art exhibitions and fairs

With plans already in the works for art exhibitions and fairs, Jenny has an exciting few months ahead of her.

She said: “Myself and the HND Art & Design group are planning our own exhibition in Turriff soon. We are also busy making paintings and crafts to sell at Christmas fairs.

“I have joined two art groups in Banff and Cuminestown with one of the other students. I would like to keep showing my art and hopefully sell it at some point. I am simply happy that I can now sit and paint when I need to relax.”

Jenny loved being part of the College community and has fond memories of her time studying.

She said: “I would certainly recommend NESCol to anyone and everyone. It really is the most amazing experience, and one I wished I had the chance to do so much earlier in my life. I still miss my brother, but how proud he would be of me now.”

Jenny’s advice to future students

“My advice would be, start with an open mind, do not feel like you do not fit in (we all feel that), as you will. Have fun but also remember you are there to learn. And please do not take your tutors for granted as they are there for you and they will get you through it if you just let them help.

“Enjoy every moment of College, as it slips by so quickly and before you know it, it’s over.”