Katelyn Louise Share

Business & Management

HND Administration & Information Technology 

“NESCol is such a supportive place to study, and the staff go above and beyond to help you achieve your goals.”


Katelyn Louise Share (20) credits her lecturers as being a positive source of change in her life during her time at NESCol and is glowing in her praise for them, delighted to have achieved her HND Administration & Information Technology. 

Katelyn’s first experience at NESCol didn’t go the way she’d hoped. She experienced challenges with her mental health, struggled with online learning which was still in place due to Covid-19 restrictions, and ended up dropping out of her course. Disappointed, but still determined to achieve a qualification, Katelyn attended a College Open Day at the Aberdeen City Campus and after chatting with lecturers from the Business team, decided to give studying another go.  

Katelyn said, “I had a much better experience the second time around. I got on well with my classmates and particularly enjoyed the group activities we had to complete. It wasn’t all plain sailing though, I went through a few rocky times again, but, with the encouragement and support of my lecturers, I persevered and was super proud to complete my HND.  “ 

Katelyn is now off to RGU to continue her studies in Business & Marketing, something she didn’t think would be possible a few years ago. She said, “I wanted to share my experience so that others can see that it’s not a lost cause if you don’t succeed the first time around. NESCol is such a supportive place to study, and the staff go above and beyond to help you achieve your goals. Don’t be afraid to give yourself a second chance. “