Victoria Grover


HNC Social Services

“I would highly recommend NESCol to anyone thinking about returning to education. As a mature student, I have been supported in many ways and had a great college experience, even with the challenges I’ve faced.”

Victoria Grover has an inspiring learning journey to share. She spent four years at NESCol studying care and has now secured a full-time job working for a cause extremely close to her heart.

43-year-old Victoria left school at 16 and worked part-time whilst raising her son. Her return to full-time education began in 2020, when she joined NESCol.

She said: “I found the courage to apply for the SCQF Level 4 Introduction to Health & Social Care course. I decided to upskill as I felt this would be great for my confidence and I could see if full-time education was something I could achieve.”

Victoria thrived at College despite her classes being entirely online for the first year and a half due to the pandemic.

She said: “I really enjoyed the online way of learning, and it gave me a thirst for more studying. Halfway through my SCQF Level 5 Social Care course, we were back on campus with in-person classes – it was exciting to meet everyone in real life.”

Victoria moved from Aberdeen to Macduff in 2022, opting to study at Fraserburgh Campus for Level 6. Unfortunately, this year proved to be exceptionally challenging.

Victoria had to juggle her studies with caring for her brother until he sadly passed away in May 2023. In an incredible demonstration of resilience, she managed to sit her exams whilst going through the grieving process.

She said: “NESCol was great with me during this time. I was given a room to myself for the exams which really helped. The College also arranged bereavement counselling for me, without which I may have dropped out.”

Despite her loss, Victoria successfully met her conditions and was accepted onto the HNC Social Services course.

She said: “The HNC course has been brilliant. The understanding I have gained while being on placement combined with the knowledge gained in class has been amazing.”

Key to Victoria’s motivation is her advocacy work for those in recovery from the effects of drugs and alcohol, something which she has lived and family experience of. She has undertaken training, volunteered with both Aberdeen in Recovery (AIR) and Alcohol & Drugs Action (ADA), and worked for ADA as part of her placement.

Her efforts have not gone unnoticed as Victoria has been recognised twice at the annual Go Celebrate! Student Awards.

Go Celebrate! Award winners for 2024 standing in a group

She said: “My College highlight was winning the Go Make a Difference! Award in 2022 for my volunteering work setting up support groups in Aberdeenshire. I was also Highly Commended in 2024 for my achievements. Being recognised for my resilience and strength was overwhelming, and having the lecturers believe in and encourage me was outstanding.”

Victoria’s four years of hard work and perseverance has paid off. She recently secured a full-time role with the Scottish Recovery Consortium (SRC) where she will continue to make a difference as a National Localities MIST Q Officer.

Looking back on her time at NESCol, she said: “I would highly recommend NESCol to anyone thinking about returning to education. As a mature student, I have been supported in many ways and had a great college experience, even with the challenges I’ve faced. The Students’ Association was part of my journey – they were always there if I had anything to discuss and made me feel part of the community.

“For anyone thinking about applying for social care or social services, I say go for it! I have been mentored and my skills and confidence have grown in many ways. I am grateful I chose NESCol.”