Applicant updates

From January onwards we will be sharing lots of useful information to help prepare you for study at NESCol in August 2025.

Applicant update emails are sent to full-time applicants each month and will also be available to view on this page.

Applicant Update emails

January update – Applications process and tracking progress,  Open Day March 2025, campus videos.

February update – Interview guidance, Open Day information and 25-26 Academic Calendar.

Your campus

Our three campuses offer students a range of facilities, from student advice centres, IT support and libraries to study spaces, fitness suites, catering outlets and social spaces.  Each campus also has specialist facilities connected to the curriculum and courses offered there.

Your subject area

Here you will find curriculum specific information including campus facilities, industry statistics and student stores.  

Art & Design


Business & Management




English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) of

Hair, Beauty & Complementary Therapies

Hospitality & Professional Cookery

Learning Opportunities

Media, Communication & TV

Music, Sound Production & Drama


Social Sciences

Sport, Fitness & Uniformed Services

Travel & Tourism