If you have any questions or require further information please don’t hesitate to get in touch:
The Modern Apprenticeship (MA) programme supports your business to train your employees, allowing you to develop your workforce.
Modern Apprenticeships help you build a stronger, more confident workforce and financial assistance is provided towards the cost of training. This work-based training initiative leads to an industry approved qualification plus development of those essential “soft skills” required in the workplace.
MA programmes provide vocational training that is relevant to your trainees’ current employment.
A Modern Apprentice can be a new team member or an existing employee who wants to increase their capabilities and confidence in the workplace.
The majority of apprenticeships are available to those employees who are aged 16-24 living in Scotland. In some sectors over 25’s are also eligible for support.
Funding and support is available each year from the Scottish Government via Skills Development Scotland (SDS). The funding covers the direct cost of College course fees for each apprenticeship and is paid directly from SDS to the College.
Your Modern Apprentice is just like every other employee so you still have to pay their salary and make sure they have everything else they need to do their job effectively.
Skills Development Scotland allocate the College a limited number of Modern Apprenticeship places per industry area each April. Places are awarded on the basis of demand from employers and are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis to applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and entry requirements stated within the specific apprenticeship framework.
Giving us an indication of your needs will help to secure places for your company and although it doesn’t commit you to the recruitment, this will ensure that you have the places available should you need them.
If there are no funded places available on application it is still possible to place an employee on a Modern Apprenticeship programme, however the company must pay for the cost of College training.
Once you have identified a pathway with your employee, you should complete the online application together.
You will need the following information to complete the online application:
The application will be considered by the relevant teaching team and eligibility for funding from Skills Development Scotland will then be checked.
If your organisation has not worked with the College before, a member of our staff will visit to make sure that the job the employee will be doing fits the criteria for the vocational qualification.
Once a place can be offered on our Modern Apprenticeship programme you and your employee will be contacted to arrange for you both to sign the appropriate contract documents.
This process is likely to take a couple of weeks.
As the employer you must employ the apprentice for the duration of the apprenticeship and must be willing and able to provide the work-place experience and assessment opportunities required to complete the programme.
Employers can keep up-to-date with trainee progress through our online portal where attendance, timetables and results can be easily accessed.
If you have any questions or require further information please don’t hesitate to get in touch:
My World of Work is Skills Development Scotland’s web service, offering valuable information and resources to people in Scotland who are looking for employment, or looking to develop their careers.
The College hosts events aimed at bringing students and employers together to see if there are potential matches. If you are looking to recruit individuals on to the Modern Apprenticeship programme, please contact:
Ian Runcie
Telephone 07917 186616
Apprenticeships in Scotland is a social enterprise project and Scotland’s national vacancy handling service for youth employment.
If you have any questions or require further information please don’t hesitate to get in touch:
My World of Work is Skills Development Scotland’s web service, offering valuable information and resources to people in Scotland who are looking for employment, or looking to develop their careers.
The College hosts events aimed at bringing students and employers together to see if there are potential matches. If you are looking to recruit individuals on to the Modern Apprenticeship programme, please contact:
Ian Runcie
Telephone 07917 186616
Apprenticeships in Scotland is a social enterprise project and Scotland’s national vacancy handling service for youth employment.
If you have any questions or require further information please don’t hesitate to get in touch:
My World of Work is Skills Development Scotland’s web service, offering valuable information and resources to people in Scotland who are looking for employment, or looking to develop their careers.
The College hosts events aimed at bringing students and employers together to see if there are potential matches. If you are looking to recruit individuals on to the Modern Apprenticeship programme, please contact:
Ian Runcie
Telephone 07917 186616
Apprenticeships in Scotland is a social enterprise project and Scotland’s national vacancy handling service for youth employment.